The Bernini Study

Thank you for your interest in this research study!


The purpose of this study is to collect photo and video images of you while you conduct various low-effort tasks involving head/eye movement while wearing our headgear. The results of this study will be used to assist a technology company with its product development and improvement. 

The study will take place at a venue, where you would be greeted by our research team members and directed to your individual test location. As health and safety precautions, we will be checking all arrivals for temperatures (with no-contact thermometer) and will provide hand sanitizer stations that we will ask you to use before entry.  You will be required to put a mask on prior to entry to the venue and keep it on until the beginning of the study. At that time, the moderator of the study will ask you to remove your mask for the duration of the study. While unmasked, you will be in a room with a masked study moderator who will keep 6 feet of distance from you. Study moderators will undergo weekly COVID-19 testing, will adhere to CDC guidelines, and will be trained in proper disinfection processes. Upon completion of the study, you will be required to put the mask back on.  Please note that despite CDC lifting the mask mandate, masks are still required on site whenever the protocol does not require them to be removed.

As some of the equipment will be worn on your head, we ask that you wear your hair down to ensure a proper fit on your head. You will also be asked to wear a tight fitting hairnet for the duration of the session. Also plan to dress comfortably and modestly (no swimsuits or revealing attire allowed), and avoid wearing any clothing that covers your neck (turtlenecks, collared shirts, scarves, headwraps etc) during the session. Please plan accordingly, otherwise you may be turned away on-site.

The can qualify for one of two studies, a 3hr appointment that pays $250 or a 1hr 45min appointment that pays $175.


This survey is hosted by Hays Research Group LLC and the Alaska Panel.

If you have any questions or concerns give us a call at 907-952-6151.